I've had smart phone envy for a few years, as I’ve watched people get information – of every kind – quickly and efficiently. However, I've been unwilling to make the investment in either the device or the service, allowing myself to struggle on trips, either printing information found online before departure, using other paper resources, or simply remembering what I read.
Bob does have a GPS, a gift several years ago from his sons. He didn't take to it and I used it only when we were travelling, so we never got fast enough with its functions for the device to be very useful. Until now.
The GPS has provided info on routing details, hotels, restaurants, fuel, landmarks – everything with latitude/longitude coordinates. Here in Sedona, we used it all day yesterday driving through the canyons. The GPS found our best restaurant (the Mesa Grill) and Burger King last night for a whopper junior – all we wanted after a day in the heat. Today, it will guide us as we visit the Grand Canyon.
When I first wrote this several weeks ago, I was convinced that next time one of us buys a vehicle, it will have GPS technology. Since my return, I've been persuaded that it's sometimes better to have the mobile device. I suspect that we'll have a combination of the two in the future.